martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022

My favorite thing...

 My favorite thing, it's something simple and small, it's a photo of my dad and me when I was a baby, I found it together with many other old family photos but this in particular I liked a lot by the complicity that can be appreciated, I feel that it reflects the love of my dad to me.

Normally, I have it on my desk to can see it every day and motivate me to continue achieve my dreams as my dad wanted me to do it.

This photo its very important to me, even being an object, this is why I take good care of it so that it doesn't continue to deteriorate, I would be very sad if I lose it because it's one of the few things that make me feel connected with my dad

One phrase what represents my feelings with this photo it would: "We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.” ― Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire"

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022

My Opinions!

What is your opinion about...
  • Buying instead of adopting pets?

I am against on this type of market, usually,  the animals involve in this transactions are product of cruelty animal practices. The people who make this bussiness, wants to maximize his profits at the expends of the health and life-quality of the animal.

  • Having an exotic pet at home?

It's dangerous and against the nature, have an exotic pet inside your house, even if you are extremely careful and dedicated to the confort of your pet, eventually something will slip out of your hand, for example, the animal can be agressive even with his owner, which can see every day, also keep the ambient conditions it's very difficult and can be a fatal error a minimal difference of this conditions.

  •  Cloning?

This topic have multiple points of view, I think that in some cases, clone something like an extinct animals, will be helpful for contribute the study of the evolution of life in the Earth, but in the other side, it's against the nature bring back an animal only for a scientific or even a entertainment purpose.

  • Animal testing?

I am all against this practice, although thanks to this, there has been many advancements in health and other scientific fields. Currently, this practice have more presence in the cosmetic market, some companies, test his products on animals, permanent damaging their health and lifestyle, it's horrible hurt animals for this purpose.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2022

My favorite animal

 Hi! I am going to talk about my favourite animal: The spiders.

I love the big diversity and how interesting they can be.They are a plenty kind of arthropods and at the moment, there has knowledge of forty five thousand spices of them

Their body is divided in two parts called “Tagmas” and has four pairs of legs.

The biggest spider that I found is one who has thirty centimeters of size.

Because is diversity in species, they can live in all types of places, less in the Antarctic

They are lonely animals which hunt little bugs and some spiders can make their own poison to make his hunt easier. 

They have the capacity of make silk that can be used for fabricate webs, each one of them seems unique if you look closely

This spiders are the species that I have more interest:

  • The Wolf Spider: this spiders doesn’t use his web for hunt, they live in places covered with plants and they are active in the day

  • Jumping Spider: They have a showy looking, long and strong legs and they have a very good vision.

  • Black Widow Spider: His poison is one of the more dangerous and his bite can be lethal.


  • Weaver Spider: His colors can be very pretty as their webs, they are peaceful spiders.

Resuming, spiders scares me but I still think they are pretty.

A little bit about me...

Hi! 😸
My name is Bárbara Andrea Ormeño Covarrubias, I have twenty years old and I am veterinary medicine student in the Universidad de Chile. 🐶

I live in Independencia with my mom and two brothers, also I have three dogs and one spider.

I have been vegetarian for seven years. One of the best things that I know about not eat meat is the Seitan, it’s very tasty and flavorful.

The truth about my musical preferences is there is no one at all, I listen to all kinds of songs, from pop to metal.

The thing that I do too much is sports and more specifically Cheerleading, I’ve been practicing for a long time.

I also enjoy passing time playing online videogames with my soulmate and friends.🎮

but still my favourite activity is sleep.😴

I hope that now you can know a little more about me. 💜